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197: Kitchen Measurements Converter

May 10, 2023

Like I mentioned last week, I live in the US, so we use an outdated system of measurement for a lot of things. This necessitates charts, and many of those charts are terrible. Here is another effort to make a less-terrible chart for something.

A chart about kitchen measurements

Some standard disclaimers follow…
This chart is fairly accurate depending on your definitions of these things.
The icons just refer to the colloquial name of those objects, because (of course) a UK “pint” glass is about 20% larger than the US version, and a tea”cup” is usually about 1/2 to 2/3 the size of a standard US measuring cup.

Not to mention the difference between a “US legal cup” and a “US liquid cup.” Which is that a US legal cup—for use on nutritional information labels and such—was rounded to a nice milliliter equivalent: 240 ml. And that is both different than the legal cup you’ll find elsewhere—like Canada and Australia (250 ml)— and the traditional US liquid cup, which is, like the chart shows, just half a US liquid pint (or about 236.59 ml). Ughhh. There’s so much more. Do you know about dry gallons? This is a mess, guys.

Anyway! There’s the chart.

If, like me, you print and mount this to a wall in your kitchen and find that the little information on the right side is too far away, and would work better if it was on the left side… Here you go:

A mostly the same, but slightly different chart about kitchen measurements

What’s that you say? “I already know that there’s four quarts in a gallon. So, while the logical consistency of the graphic is very nice, all that space is unnecessary?” I appreciate you saying that, and I hear you.

Here’s a smaller version for those of you with limited space or printer ink:

A mostly the same, but slightly smaller chart about kitchen measurements

“But I like the left-hand-side layout better, still!”

Jesus… fine.

A mostly the same... you get it


One Comment leave one →
  1. Andrew permalink
    May 10, 2023 11:14 am

    I feel like this would be a very helpful exhibit to a text book

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